

Mercies in Disquise

 I was catching up on my blog reading today and went to visit Sara of August Fields.  I was so touched by her post of the song she asked us to listen to, Laura Story -  Blessings CD - Mercies in Disguise.  The words were so beautiful and what perfect timing for me to hear it.  I wasn't able to post a comment for some reason (couldn't figure out why)  but I had to give her two thumbs up for it. 
The picture below is one I took  after a rain at our house.  I loved how the sun shined down through the trees and glistened...One more reminder of mercies in disguise. 

I'll leave you with an email that I received this morning.  I thought this was amazing to think about.   I don't know who wrote it, but I loved it.


If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every Spring and a sunrise every morning.
Face it my friend - He is crazy about you.

Have a good and blessed weekend!


  1. Wonderful post... and a lovely picture, too!!! Have a nice and sunny Sunday!

  2. Happy to meet you and share our passions!
    Lovely Sunday to you, xo
